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Career Guidance

Feeling lost? We’re here to find a path for you!

After completing your studies and getting your degree, it’s very natural to feel confused about the question of “What Next?” Well, the answer depends not only on your educational qualifications, but also on your personality, your interests, and your skillset.

Every year, thousands of students drop out of colleges and even more employees experience burnout syndromes in their jobs. One of the most prevalent reasons for these is not choosing a career path that’s in sync with who you are!

Professional Career Counselling and Guidance sessions not only advise you on your options and inform you about how to achieve certain goals, but with the help of psychometric testing and personality analysis methods, also help you learn about what careers you will be best at.

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Why should you consult a Career Counselor?

To get direction

With the help of psychometric analysis, personality testing, and skill assessments, you are pointed towards a career that you have a high change of thriving in. A career change later on becomes all the more difficult with time. This is why it’s important to start right.

To learn about your options

Sometimes, despite having all the right qualifications and skills, a candidate can get stuck into a not-so-appealing career because of their lack of information about the various options available for him. A well-informed decision is always the best decision.

To access valuable resources

A Career Guidance session not only shows you the direction, but also provides you with resources that help you achieve your goal.

To clear your confusions

When you are confused about which way to go, or interested in a job but feeling unconfident about your decision, a Career Counselling is the best and most scientific way of clearing your doubts and gain some reassurance.

How can New IT Nest help you shape up your career?

Here at New IT Nest, we have a team of highly-experienced career experts. With the help of latest technologies and the most useful and student-friendly method, we provide answers to all your queries, backed by science.

This Career Consultation session can change your whole career path!

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